
Hey, this is Hux.

程序员,前端工程师,2015 @微信电影票。2014~2015 北京淘宝(@阿里旅行·去啊),主攻 JavaScript 全栈,其他语言玩得像样了再写上,希望成为一名产品工程师

设计师,UI/UX Designer,2014/2015 offered by 阿里/微软 ,动效设计师,2013 @LxU 工作室;迷恋 OSX/iOS & Android & Windows,擅长 Layout/Typographic/Info-Arch/Usability

热衷于各类 Web & Mobile 产品,还不算个产品设计师。知乎用户,手机收藏癖,轻微职业病,没事也想想用户痛点、行业趋势、商业模式

大学生,就读于中国传媒大学数字媒体艺术专业 12 级,准大四。学的东西杂七杂八,技术艺术交叉,也当过学生会部长,负责些小互联网产品

人类,唱唱通俗跳跳 HipHop ,也爱好打球游泳、摄影把妹,没事泡泡社交网络,水水微博知乎


做过的一些东西,右转 Portfolio 👉

Designer or Engineer, things in between.

Student, major in New Media Art of Communication University of China, which is a interdisciplinary subject of technology and art, and now Senior.

Programmer, Senior Front-End Engineer of Wechat Movie, previous worked in Alibaba Trip as Front-End Engineer Intern for one year, looking for opportunities abroad.

Designer, offered as UI/UX Designer Intern by Alibaba Group, Microsoft Bing etc. Experienced in Motion Graphic Design, also familer with Layout and Typography.

Product Design and Product Management is also attractive and comfortable to me.

You can call me English name Hux,
And my Chinese name is Huang Xuan

Some of my projects is put on my Portfolio 👉
Interested in more details? Checkout my resumes: